2024年1月01日より 新料金です。


11月からの秋田県の最低時給の引き上げにより200円の値上げ となったばかりなのですが、同じく11月からの10パーセント の消費税の負担は現在の私共の代行の利益ではどうにも対処が 出来ません。大変心苦しいのですが代行をご利用いただくお客 様にお願いせざるを得ない状況でございます。
度重なる値上げによるお客様のご負担を考えますと大変申し訳 なく思うところなのですが、私共の代行と致しましてもいかん ともしがたく只々お客様にお願い申し上げるところです。‘ どうかここのところの諸事情をお汲み取り頂きましてこれまで どうりのご利用をお願いいたしたく、今後ともどうか宜しくお 願い致します。

January 2024 From January 1, 2020, the basic fee will be increased by 200 yen. The price has just increased by 200 yen due to the increase in the minimum hourly wage in Akita Prefecture from November, but the burden of the 10% consumption tax that also started in November cannot be covered by our current agency profits. yeah. It is with great sadness that we have no choice but to ask customers who use our agency to do this for us. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to our customers due to repeated price increases, but we would like to ask our customers for assistance. “We kindly ask that you understand the current circumstances and continue to use our services as you have been doing so far, and we look forward to your continued support.



いつもDAIKO UGOをご利用頂きまして誠にありがとうございます。これまでも何度か代行料金の値上げにともない大変なご負担のお願いを致してきたところではございますが、この度秋田県の最低時給がこの10月1日より853円から900円に引き上げられる事となり、22時以降は深夜割増賃金となる為1125円となります。これまでこの最低時給 ギリギリのところで頑張ってきていた私共の代行もこのままでは賃金の条例違反となってしまう事からこの最低時給の値上げに合わせる形で時給の値上げをする事となりました。





代表取締役 小松信一 

Notice Regarding Agency Rate Increase

October 2023

Thank you for using DAIKO UGO.

We have asked for a great burden due to the increase in agency fees several times in the past, but this time the minimum hourly wage in Akita Prefecture will be raised from 853 yen to 900 yen from this October 1st.After 10 p.m., it will be 1125 yen because it will be a late-night premium. Our agency, which has been working hard at the very edge of this minimum hourly wage until now, will be in violation of the wage ordinance as it is, so we have decided to raise the hourly wage in accordance with this minimum hourly wage increase.

Originally, we came at the last minute agency fee, so we cannot afford to bear the difference in the prefecture’s minimum hourly wage increase.

Therefore, as a result of considering such circumstances, we have decided to increase the price of 200 yen in the part of the basic fee of the current rate for all customers.

Our agency is not a commission system, but an hourly monthly salary system, so we are very frustrated about this matter, and we will ask our customers to bear a great burden, but we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

After November 1st, it will be a new agency fee that is 200 yen in addition to the previous fee, but we ask that you continue to use it in the future in light of the circumstances of the increase in the minimum hourly wage in this prefecture.

Representative Director Shinichi Komatsu